6 Ways To Promote Your Marketing Agency In 2021

Marketing is the industry you want to be in, now more so than ever. The world has finally woken up to the many benefits of promotional and advertising. It is no longer a good-to-have option but has grown to be a staple for every business. 

Especially given the pandemic and how much harder it can be to get in front of your audience, on or offline.

But that unfortunately also often means that there is a lot of competition to contend with for marketing agencies. Everyone wants a piece of the pie. Acquiring clients for any marketing agency is becoming more and more challenging.

Add to that, agencies are often overwhelmed with their existing clients’ work. So much so that they neglect to do the same marketing for themselves, too. Some also have resource constraints and end up doing the bare minimum even if they know it may not fetch the results they want.

So, what is the solution? How can marketing agencies make self-promotion easier in 2021?

Well, to begin with, you have to do what you tell your clients – make it a priority. And two, you need a game plan. 

Even when you are tight on resources and time, a game plan can help you promote your business with ease. 

And that is exactly what Kimp is bringing you in this blog. A curation of the best ways to promote your marketing agency in 2021 with insider secrets and best practices.

This is the handbook you need to conquer 2021 for your marketing agency. 

Before you promote your marketing agency in 2021…

First things first, let’s look at what goes into promoting your agency in 2021. As a budding marketer, you know how essential game plans and strategies are to the success of any campaign.

And you may also feel that some of those are pretty obvious to you for your industry. So why bother documenting them? But, the truth is, the marketing world is large and complex. And the more detailed you get, the better your chances are of getting great results. 

Having these handy before you approach a design team and content team will make the process of getting your designs done so much simpler, allowing you to devote time and resources to growing your firm. 

Ready to promote your marketing agency? Source: Unsplash
Define your marketing goals, strategies, and tactics

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you want to grow on a particular platform or have an omnichannel presence? 
  • Are you looking to acquire new customers or build a community with the existing ones?
  • What is your budget? 
  • How much work are you going to put in, and how much will you outsource?
  • What is your approach to marketing – print, digital or hybrid?
Pick a niche 

Everyone has a particular skill and an industry where they are the king. As you know, niche-based marketing and broad-scale marketing are both important, but for certain marketing goals, you do need an understanding of your niche. 

Clearly pick a niche and detail the industry, client size, and platform too for best results when you promote your marketing agency.

Outsource internal work 

Yes, we know that there are a lot of assignments pending at your desk. And the last thing you can think of is working on your own promotional activities. That is why we tell you – outsource some of the internal work. 

Spend your time, resources, and energy on your clients. Let an external design and content agency handle your creatives. This way, you can just supervise and get the campaigns up and running in no time.

Build a portfolio

Many agencies are guilty of neglecting their own brand. We work on our clients’ work day and night, and churn out some awesome results. But, very rarely do we document them in a portfolio.

But having a portfolio is vital for your marketing campaigns because it gives you a solid base to build your content strategy. 

Build a brand 

People like brands rather than companies. In the current competitive landscape, it is not enough to be an organization. Building a brand with a unique identity, strong customer-brand connection, and personality can be a real game-changer. 

Wondering what your brand personality is? Check out this helpful guide from Kimp to understand more about this. 

Now, armed with these details, it is time for action. It is time to unveil the strategies that can change the face of your marketing campaigns in 2021.

6 ways to promote your marketing agency in 2021 

The last few years have been quite revolutionary for marketing. There are many new tools, platforms, and tactics to reach your ideal client. 

But while many trends come and go, we are sure that you realize the value of sticking to the proven and evergreen methods in marketing. These are the ones that help you climb the ladder of success efficiently.

So with no further delay, let’s explore ways to promote your marketing agency in 2021.

Video marketing 

We probably don’t need to tell you how crucial video has become in every marketing and advertising campaign. As much as content is king, video today is an emperor. Every message, every content piece, and advertisement becomes instantly more engaging if it is in video form. 

But, what are the videos you should concentrate on for your marketing agency? Every niche has specific video content ideas that are perfect for it, and so does marketing.

To promote your marketing agency in 2021 via video marketing, you can: 

  • Start a YouTube channel where you have a consistent presence. Your channel can help you reach a wider audience and feature on search engine results too. 
  • Leverage the popularity of short-form video content on TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat with short video content. 
  • Post a wide variety of videos on your social media channels. Some of the popular video types that will work for your across platforms are:
    • Client Testimonial Videos  
    • Customer success stories
    • Company culture videos 
    • Recap of industry trends 
    • How-to videos or tutorials for easy marketing tools

Kimp Tip: Remember that every video you put out there is a testament to your brand values, personality, and domain understanding. You need to always put your best foot forward. Hiring a competent design agency that can transform your vision onto the screen is an essential part of this. 

Not sure where to find the help you need? Try Kimp Video to create engaging and high converting videos for your marketing agency. You’ll pay a flat fee for a month-to-month subscription that starts with a free trial, and allows you to cancel anytime.

Need some inspiration? Check out Oglivy’s YouTube channel. It features all their famous campaigns and related stories. 

Content Marketing 

Even though video marketing is creating a bigger buzz than ever, don’t neglect the value of other types of content. 

Long-form content marketing is a valuable tool in improving your SEO rankings, displaying expertise in your domain, and engaging your audience for a long time. 

The first step in creating a content bank is to build an educational and informative blog on your website. Blogging helps people judge your capabilities and approach you when the message resonates with them. 

Some of the top content ideas to promote a marketing agency in 2021 include: 

  • Informational long-form content ideas such as marketing techniques, analysis of powerful marketing campaigns, marketing tools review, and industry-wise marketing masterclasses.
  • Case studies and industry reports overviews and opinion pieces 
  • Infographics that convey complex and long pieces of text via engaging and attractive visual representations. 

While long-form truly works, improving the readability of these content pieces can be a challenge. You can repurpose them into videos, infographics, and social media posts, you need the blogs to do well too.

So, what can you do?

Break up the monotony of a long piece with appropriate blog images. This helps people make it to the end of the piece and improves their rankings too. Try a Kimp Graphics subscription to explore how to make long-form content engaging.

A blog image designed by Kimp.
Email marketing 

This may sound a little old school, but it is truly one of the most effective mediums of marketing, especially for a marketing agency. Consider this. Who are you looking to work with? Most marketing agencies are primarily a B2B market. And anyone who works in a professional environment considers emails to be more reliable than any other medium.

So, when you know this is where the gold is, it is time to get digging:

  • Start by curating an email list. You can do this by importing your existing customer database and also linking all your inbound leads to a landing page
  • You can offer exclusive offers or ebooks to build your email list.
  • Next, it is time to draft that email. Email marketing can be tricky, and you have to work hard to ensure that the people are actually opening your emails. 
  • A proven trick to ensure your email open rates and CTR skyrockets is to include visual aids. Studies show that just the word “Video” can improve your email’s open rates. 

Kimp Tip: Everyone is busy. So, your email must effectively capture the attention of your audience within the first 7-10 seconds for it to be successful. Opt to get branded marketing email templates designed so you can quickly update them as needed. Include elements like images and videos are much more engaging than text and improve your chances of conversion.

Social Media Marketing and Advertising 

Your presence on social media can make or break your entire digital marketing strategy. This is where everyone is. Also, more and more brands want to invest in social media marketing. So, your successful presence there will tilt the scales in your favor a little more. 

The secret to success on any social media platform is an accurate knowledge of the target demographic, stellar content, and consistency. Now, the first two go hand in hand. Your content will only resonate and rank well on the engagement metrics if you know the audience well.

Each social media platform has a defined demographic and content style. LinkedIn is a professional network with a mix of young and older population. However, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and TikTok have fairly younger audiences.

Producing content tailored to the social media platforms’ guidelines, algorithm, and customer base can truly set you apart. Ensure that you have a healthy mix of educational, entertaining, and inspirational content for your social media.

While this was about marketing, let’s not forget social media advertising too. 

Social media ads are expensive but a great tool for brand awareness and client acquisition. If you want to see the best results, you can repurpose your best-performing content on a particular platform into an advertisement with minimal editing.

Need help with your designs? Try a Kimp Graphics, Kimp Video or Kimp Graphics + Video subscription.

A social media image designed by Kimp.
Launch an online course 

Whether you are starting up new or looking to expand your base, your popularity as a domain expert will help you immensely. A lot of the initial communication barrier goes away if the lead contacts you from a content piece they found informative.

One of the most profitable and reputable ways of establishing your authority over the subject is to launch an online course. This can be a free course or a paid course. In fact, you can use this as a lead magnet to build your email list.

You can run these courses live or host them on platforms such as Udemy as pre-recorded sessions. Either way, these are professional avenues that make the lead trust you before they make the first contact.  

Kimp Tip: Do not underestimate the power of design while designing the slide deck for your online course. A well-designed presentation template can help you share your brand values and make a good first impression. Check out Kimp’s guide on presentation designs here.

Local marketing 

While digital is obviously a brilliant medium for marketing, there are significant benefits to concentrating on your immediate vicinity, too. During the 2020 pandemic-induced lockdown (and the subsequent lockdowns and restrictions), Google saw an immense increase in the “near me” searches. Local business listings are also seeing great traction.

So, hit up your local community and spread the word about your business. Some popular and actionable strategies for local marketing include: 

  • Posters
  • Flyers
  • Business cards 
  • Billboards
  • Signages 
  • Storefront designs

Promote your marketing agency in 2021 with Kimp Subscriptions 

We know how busy you are. And we also know how valuable your time is. That is why Kimp is a trusted design partner for scores of marketing agencies across the world. 

Our easy-to-sign-up subscription plans, Kimp Graphics and Kimp Video, allow you to keep creating with no restrictions.

Make unlimited requests and get unlimited revisions, for unlimited brands, with no additional charge. All while you work with a professional design team and project manager and get designs on a consistent basis. 

All at a flat monthly fee with no hidden charges.

Sign up for the free trial today!