Use Videos In Your Ad Campaigns To Get Results

Video ads have been all the rage in the recent past and with good reason. They convey messages in a memorable way, and can also establish an emotional connection with potential clients. Which is why you should use videos in your ad campaigns.

Especially as they don’t have to involve big production budgets – just some creativity and a willingness to experiment will do the trick. Some ad campaigns that have come out over the past few years, have managed to truly redefine what a video ad should look like. If you happen to be a small or medium sized business looking to scale up your marketing, knowing what video ads you have at your disposal is a big leverage. 

In this blog, we want to take you through the best practices, video ad campaign options and tips that will help you be at your creative best on both Facebook and Instagram. So let’s get started.

Best practices for videos on Facebook.

We all know what Facebook video ads are, but is there a way to make sure that they hit the nail on the head? The short answer is yes. Read on for the long answer on how to use videos in your ad campaigns.

Get your message to customers in the first few seconds.

The average attention span you and I have (and any human) is just 8.25 seconds. That said, this is a huge red alert to marketers. Delivering messages without beating around the bush is important. Tell your audience your story and the benefits they get right away.

Silence can say volumes.

Have you come across Facebook video ads that manage to deliver a powerful message without the volume even turned on? Statistics say that a staggering 85% of videos are played without sound. So when you design your ads, make sure that they engage your audience even when they are played on mute. To optimize for silence, use these tips: 

  • Show captions always. There is no exception to this rule. 
  • Add a text overlay. This is especially important for ‘how to’ video ads. 
  • Use a lot of movement or use powerful imagery that creates a lasting impression.

Customize your story to your audience.

If people feel that your ad is something that is relevant to their interest, they will pay more attention. This means that you will see better results if you make the effort to customize your ads to the people who are likely to see it. And whenever possible, try creating different versions of the same video ad for different parts of your audience. A/B testing is crucial when you use videos in your ad campaigns. 

Don’t get too skimpy with production.

You could use a camera phone or an entire production team. Make use of whatever the best possible resources at your disposal are. And if you don’t have all the equipment you need (e.g. a mic or ring light) then consider making the investment to make a few purchases. They’ll come in handy for all of your video ads and content. So give your video ad the best opportunity to make an impression on your customers.

Keep things short and sweet.

Most people might skip your ads. So how can you determine the perfect length for your Facebook video ad? Facebook recommends that you stick to a length of between 5 – 15 seconds. And the shorter, the better. Videos as short as 6 seconds have shown higher metrics for completion and engagement. 

How effective are video ads for Facebook campaigns? 

We’d say very much. A Hubspot study analyzed that almost 54% would rather watch a video from a business they support. They would also be 85% more likely to actually give you sales after they watch your video ad. Now when we add that to the data that people will only read between  20% – 28% of the copy on your website, it seems quite reasonable that you need to get your A-game on for the videos. 

Best practices for video ads on Instagram.

Just like with Facebook, there are also many best practices that you need to know about when you get on Instagram. Here are some of these to help you use videos in your ad campaigns.

Make that connection, fast.

Pick a thumbnail for your video that is catchy and also stick to the same rule of thumb for your video title. Be sure to use the colours of your brand, interesting themes and imagery to help your audience to connect to your brand. Use front-facing shots, be it lifestyle or products. It sparks more interest.

Factor in silent views.

On Instagram, videos will automatically play with their sound turned off. This means that you need to rise up to the challenge and make sure that your video can express your message through visuals alone. Add captions, your logo and your product to communicate the message better.

Be open to experimenting.

Always target your video ads and then keep checking the metrics to get a gauge on the response. You may need to make iterations depending upon the best approach that will serve your business goals and your audience. You will need a call-to-action button as well (CTA). Also, be open to playing around with square as well as landscape formats. You could make new content or repurpose old ones for Instagram. Basically, there is no hard and fast rule here – keep experimenting. Need some inspiration? This Instagram video ad, on the right, for Oreo went viral. You’ll find more video ads that have gone viral on Instagram here.

How effective are video ads for Instagram campaigns?

Instagram video ads make up over half the advertisements that are on Instagram. They appear in the Instagram feed, in Instagram Stories and in Instagram Explore. Videos will definitely drive more engagement on the platform as compared to photos and will get twice as many comments as images do. As the watch time for Instagram video ads are increasing, they are also giving brands longer to connect with their target audience.

What types of video ads are available for Instagram? 

  • Standard video ads – if you want more views, you can use this format. You can post videos that range between 30 – 60 seconds and you can choose whether you want a teaser or a full ad.
  • IGTV ads – this is a relatively new feature that is being used by brands as well as influencers. IGTV ads will initially appear when people click to watch IGTV videos from previews in their feed. The video ads will be built for mobile and up to 15 seconds long. 
  • Carousel ads – if just one image or video really won’t be making the cut, these carousel ads are a great option. These will let users swipe through 3 or 4 images or videos and will keep users engaged for more time.

Are you all set for launching with your video ads on Facebook and Instagram? Remember that both these platforms offer you cost-effective and efficient methods to promote your business. There is only one catch –  you need to keep testing and optimizing different ad formats to get things right. So, go on, get started. Get your feet wet with using videos in your ad campaigns and start drumming up more awareness, engagement and purchases!