Where Does Kimp Get Stock Photos, Videos, Animations, Fonts, Icons and Elements From?

We scour the internet for the best options for fonts, photos, icons, videos, animations, and elements. We use a lot of reputable free resources. And every Kimp Graphics and Kimp Video Subscription ALSO includes 50 stock photos used in your designs from a combination of premium stock photo sites – that’s an $80 value, every month of your subscription!


This means if you get a Kimp Graphics + Video subscription, your designs will include up 100 premium stock images – a $160 value, every month of your subscription.


Whatever the source, we ensure that each element grants the appropriate license for you to use it, as part of your design, as the end-user. If, however, you plan to use your design for resale, please do let us know and we can make sure your design only includes elements that are appropriate for that.